What is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is a type of bullying done by internet and technology. Usually one person or a group of people intimidate smaller or weaker people.


 Where is it found?

Cyberbullying is found through the use of electronics and technology. Such as, cell phones, computers as well as social media sites, chats and many different websites.


How are people bullied ?

With the use of technology people post publicly mean and disturbing pictures, videos, websites and fake profiles about another individual. It is also common to send unpleasant text messages that are offensive or embarrassing. These aspects cause individuals to be a shamed, confused, and uncomfortably self-conscious. In many cases people who are cyber bullied are also bullied in person.

People are also harassed, labeled gay/lesbian, and use negative language to describe or talk to others. New technologies have made it easier for bullies to access the victims. As Keith and Martin explain females use virtual abuse more than males.


Cyber bullying becomes more drastic because in most cases the bully follows the victim from school and other places to home and social media where people go to be safe. Technology is being miss used to harm others or easy access instead of providing knowledge. Most often bullying is done from one group of people to the another.

Who is bullied?

In the site stopbullying.gov explains that 7% of students in grade 6-12 are cyberbullied, and 15% students (9-12) were bullied in the last years.

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  •  Society as well as  internet and, technology have affected cyberbullying . Culture differences have become one of the biggest affects of cyber bullying.